Server management refers to the process of configuring, maintaining, and optimizing a server to ensure its proper functioning, security, and performance. It involves a range of tasks to keep the server running smoothly and efficiently. Here are some key aspects of server management:

Securing the server is crucial to protect it from unauthorized access and potential threats. This includes setting up firewalls, implementing security patches and updates, using strong passwords, and restricting access to sensitive areas.

Regularly monitoring the server’s performance and resource usage is vital to identify potential issues or bottlenecks. Monitoring tools can help track CPU usage, memory, disk space, network traffic, and other important metrics.

Creating and maintaining regular backups of your server data is essential to safeguard against data loss due to hardware failures, software issues, or other unforeseen events.

User Management
Managing user accounts and permissions is necessary for controlling access to the server. It includes creating and deleting user accounts, granting appropriate privileges, and implementing security measures for user authentication.

Software Updates
Keeping the server’s software up to date is essential for security and performance. This includes updating the operating system, web server software, databases, and any other installed applications.

Inevitably, server issues may arise. Server administrators need to diagnose and resolve problems, which can range from software conflicts to hardware failures.

Performance Optimization
Server performance can be optimized by fine-tuning settings, optimizing database queries, caching content, and ensuring efficient use of server resources.

As your website or application grows, you may need to scale your server resources to handle increased traffic and demands. This could involve adding more RAM, CPU cores, or storage or employing load balancing techniques.

Security Audits
Periodic security audits can help identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure that best security practices are in place.

For some individuals and organizations, managing their own servers may not be feasible or practical. In such cases, managed hosting services are available, where the hosting provider takes care of the server management tasks, allowing you to focus on your core business or website content.

Effective server management requires knowledge and experience in system administration, networking, security, and troubleshooting. It’s crucial to stay updated with the latest trends and security practices to maintain a secure and efficient server environment.

Our services plans are primarily divided into 3 categories-

One Time
Based on the current architecture and complexity of the server. (Available on request.)
Monthly (Basic Managed)
$299/ month, 5 Hrs/month
Response time-1 day
Monthly (Pro maintenance)
$599/ month, 10 Hrs/month
Response time-1 day
Monthly (Dedicated maintenance)
$799/ month, 10 Hrs/month
Response time-1 day
$40 to $100
Based on requirement